We all have experiences that shape the fabric of our lives. Those experiences weave together to define our character and make us who we are. The Giving Thread is an array of stories from Alliance San Diego supporters and testimonies from the people they have impacted. It’s a glimpse into the beautiful tapestry that sustains our mission.
Each supporter that is highlighted in The Giving Thread provides the necessary framework to ensure that all people can achieve their full potential in an environment of harmony, safety, equality, and justice. In this time of moral reckoning, where the very heart of our democracy is at stake, there comes a pivotal moment that forces us to stop and say: “it’s time to do my part!”
Check out these threads where several of our supporters share their purpose for giving; then visit our ways to give page to find out how you can help mobilize for change! Thank you, in advance, for supporting Alliance San Diego!
Donor Threads