"In today’s climate of extremes and intolerance of diverse views, many of the underserved and at-risk communities are being marginalized. Our better self and national humanitarian values are becoming lost to the noise of rhetoric. I could no longer stand by and passively support humanitarian and constitutional rights, hoping for a cultural self correction.
Alliance San Diego has provided me the ability to take a stand and become active in our democracy. Alliance San Diego facilitates the access to life-enriching opportunities in the community, shares facts, not rhetoric, to engage the public to vote their conscience and facilitate constructive dialogue. I believe this work is needed to motivate the many, saving America from the self-serving few."
- Victor Roosen, Regional Disaster Officer, Alliance San Diego Board Member
Victor’s support is critical to helping us build the leaders of tomorrow, today. Check out this story from Isaiah, one of the graduates of our Neighborhood Rising Institute below!
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