“I stumbled upon Alliance San Diego while I was searching for jobs the summer after I graduated from San Diego State. I saw that Alliance San Diego was hiring for canvassers for the upcoming midterms, focusing on two very important ballot measures. When I walked into the hiring event, I was intimidated, but hooked. I remember Alliance San Diego’s associate director calling everyone into action and sharing the importance of the work we were about to do. It was the first time I became civically active beyond the voting booth, and it's changed my perspective on civic engagement. Before Alliance San Diego I was a spectator and now, I'm an active participant.
As a social studies teacher, I've weaved many of the lessons I learned during that campaign into my seminars. This past election cycle my students and I held a major voter registration drive that culminated into an event with community leaders and a candidate for Congress. We registered and pre-registered more than a hundred people. As a community member, I've made calls and knocked on doors on behalf of candidates. Alliance San Diego jump started my civic engagement and taught me the importance of local government. It gave me the tools and confidence I needed. I'm happy to give back, now that I am able.”
- Faye Pacho, former canvasser
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