Earlier this week, the Republican-led Senate failed to act on urgently needed legislation to protect young immigrants from deportation and fix the crisis President Trump created when he ended DACA. Driven by Trump’s coercive demands, senators tried to ransom Dreamers’ safety for a $25 billion slush fund to build a wall and further militarize our border communities.
We pushed back.
Moments before the vote, Alliance San Diego organized a phone bank to urge our California Senators to vote in favor of the proposals that protect Dreamers without hurting our communities. We also joined more than 250 national, state and local organizations on a letter to Congress urging them to enact permanent protections for Dreamers and reject the White House’s nativist wish list.
For the last five months, the Southern Border Communities Coalition (SBCC), which Alliance San Diego leads, has worked tirelessly to advocate for policy that protects Dreamer protections without hurting border communities. From multiple legislative visits to Washington D.C. with Border Dreamers to media briefings and Twitter storms, we have stood strong with and for DACA recipients.
We’d like to acknowledge and thank Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), for her unwavering support. Sen. Harris has been a champion for Dreamers and border communities. Help us thank her by retweeting this post.
Alliance San Diego and the Southern Border Communities will continue to rest in reason and move in passion as we work toward solutions that protect Dreamers without hurting the integrity of border communities.