Today, Alliance San Diego along with more than 250 national, state and local organizations sent a letter urging congressional leaders to enact permanent protections for Dreamers and reject the White House’s nativist wish list.
The letter, signed by civil rights, labor rights, faith-based, immigrant, human rights, education, and health organizations makes it clear that “protecting Dreamers cannot come at the cost of harming other immigrants or immigrant communities, nor can it entail militarizing the border, keeping families apart or undermining life-saving humanitarian protections.”
Since President Trump rescinded the DACA program, more than 19,000 Dreamers have lost protection. The American people overwhelmingly support a path to citizenship, not a kick-the-can-down-the-road temporary solution. We hope this letter along with our combined advocacy efforts this week will ensure that we win permanent protections for Dreamers and block efforts to use them as hostages to advance anti-immigrant policies.
Read the full letter here.