
Immigration Events

Join us at one of our immigration events listed below! For more information or to request a community presentation, please call (619) 269-1823 x426, or email us at [email protected]. You can also watch video's and download resources from our past immigration events.


Thank you for your interest in attending an Alliance San Diego community event. Please see below for our upcoming events. For additional questions or to speak directly with our team, contact us at (619) 269-1823 x426 or [email protected].






Prepare Now: Immigration Under the Next Administration /
Prepárate ahora: Inmigración bajo la próxima administración

December 18, 2024 / 18 de diciembre de 2024

Join us to learn more about immigration under the new administration and what you can do now to prepare. This virtual presentation will include an immigration overview, know your rights information, how to create a family preparedness plan and potential immigration remedies. / Únete a nosotros para aprender más sobre inmigración bajo la nueva administeación y lo que puedes hacer ahora para prepararte. Esta presentación virtual incluirá un panorama general sobre inmigración, información sobre tus derechos, cómo crear un plan de preparación familiar y posibles soluciones migratorias.









 Watch video's and download resources from our past immigration events.






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