Nearly 70 community activists and border residents gathered on Tuesday, May 23, at the Malcolm X Library for Black and Brown Unity Through Resistance, a community forum to explore ways that Black and Brown communities can work together to fight racial injustice at the hands of law enforcement
The 3-hour dialogue also honored the life of Anastasio Hernandez-Rojas, a longtime San Diego resident who was brutally beaten to death by more than a dozen federal border agents in 2010. Because Anastasio’s case is all too familiar to cases in the Black community, Alliance San Diego and American Friends Service Committee hosted this event to continue a much-needed dialogue between Black and Brown communities to build relationships and unity.
Community members shared their experiences with law enforcement officials and shared ways they believe will help Black and Brown Communities unite. Panelists included Maria Puga, wife of Anastasio Hernandez-Rojas; Bishop Cornelius Bowser, Charity Apostolic Church and Tasha Williamson, Co-founder of San Diego Compassion Project. They answered questions and provided ideas on how these communities can stand in solidarity. Alliance San Diego will continue to provide safe spaces for Black and Brown communities to gather and exchange ideas about how to improve our communities.
If you’d like to make a difference in your community:
- Sign the petition to support Support Senate Bill 54, “California Values Act”.This bill prevents state and local dollars and law enforcement agencies from helping Immigration officials separate families and terrorize communities.
- Contact your Assembly member and Gov. Brown and tell them that you’re counting on them to pass the California Values Act as soon as possible.
- Attend San Diego’s City Council Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods Committee and make your voice be heard!
- Urge your City Council Member to implement changes that would prohibit Racial Profiling within the San Diego Police Department.
- Join a community organization and fight for dignity and respect for our communities!
- Sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter to see what we are doing.