As you may know, we are nearing the end of the redistricting process at all levels. Today we need your support with the County Redistricting Commission.
This evening at 5:30pm the Commission will be voting to approve a map that dilutes Black and Latinx voting power (Citizens Voting Age Population CVAP) while empowering white voters in Supervisorial District 4. Specifically, removing Spring Valley, Paradise Hills, and Skyline areas and replacing them with Clairemont Mesa.
We need community members and partner organizations to speak or submit e-comments to the commission regarding the harm they are creating by ignoring and diluting BIPOC communities. Talking points and instructions for making comments are below.
Register to give public comment (virtually or in-person) here.
Steps to give public comment:
- Date of meeting: 12/9/2021
- Agenda Item: 7
- Enter first and last name
- Address is optional
- Select if you are speaking virtually or in person
- Enter you phone number
- Select speaking as an individual
- Refer to the talking points below
Submit eComment here. You’ll need first and last name and an email address.
Partner Organization talking points:
The commission triggered a chain reaction when it made changes in North County that sent shockwaves throughout the county, deeply impacting the empowerment of Black and LatinX in communities in D4 by diluting the Black and LatinX CVAP. The end result of the changes in the county map is the creation of White empowerment district in D4. The Commission should be looking for ways to empower the BIPOC community in D5 without risking the empowerment of BIPOC communities in D4, especially when it results in the empowerment of white voters in a majority minority region such as ours.
Empowering one community of color at the cost of another is not a sound decision. It is a continuation of the racism, discrimination, exclusion and disempowerment of BIPOC communities.
Throughout this process an overwhelming number of organizations and community members have shared the necessity of maximizing the black CVAP in D4 but the latest revisions have put our communities on the chopping block.
This commission, in good faith, cannot approve this current map as it lowers the black CVAP from 11% to 9% in D4 while increasing the white CVAP from 48% to 52%.
It is essential to raise the black CVAP by putting Spring Valley back into and uniting Southeast WHOLE in D4 AND removing Clairemont Mesa. If that is not done, you will be putting out communities in harm's way.
Community member talking points/eComments:
My name is ______ and I live in OR grew up in (choose one) _____ (neighborhood) in district ___ (County district number).
I am concerned about the chain reaction triggered by the commission when it made changes in North County.
This move caused changes across the county that dilutes the Black and Latinx empowerment in District 4 and creates a white empowerment district.
Black CVAP went from 11% to 9% and white CVAP 48% to 52%.
To ensure our communities are not harmed for the next 10 years, Spring Valley and all of Southeast must be reunited back into D4 while removing Clairemont Mesa.