Earlier today, Councilmember David Alvarez asked Council President Myrtle Cole to docket an item on the council agenda to discuss a possible city charter amendment to open up a new revenue source dedicated to address homelessness. The amendment would then go before the voters in November 2018.
Andrea Guerrero, Executive Director of Alliance San Diego, issued the following statement:
“We appreciate councilmember Alvarez opening up a conversation about meaningful long-term solutions to the much neglected problem of homelessness. His proposal to create a dedicated revenue source to address the most pressing crisis of our time is forward thinking and we are grateful for his leadership.
We are hopeful that the council president will docket this item as soon as possible and begin a process of deliberation and consultation with the public, with experts, and with affected community members. Out of this process, we would like to see a holistic solution in the form of a ballot measure offered to the voters in November 2018.”
About Alliance San Diego
Alliance San Diego is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)(3) community empowerment organization working to ensure that all people can achieve their full potential in an environment of harmony, safety, equality, and justice. Our mission is to to provide a means for diverse individuals and organizations to share information, collaborate on issues and mobilize for change in the pursuit of social justice, especially in low-income communities and communities of color. We pursue this mission through targeted civic engagement programs and strategic coalitions that focus on specific issues and policy reforms.