Voters to roll-out on bikes, strollers, skateboards, wheelchairs, and scooters from Barrio Logan and City Heights to San Diego Vote Centers during GOTV weekend
What: Community members across San Diego will bring their wheels of choice to cast their vote the last weekend before Election Day in a “Roll to the Polls,” a fun family-friendly event organized by Alliance San Diego to bring communities together to vote on Saturday, November 2nd. Voters and their families are invited to bring their completed ballots and bikes, skates, wheelchairs, wagons, strollers, and scooters to one of two designated locations and ‘roll-out’ together to Vote Centers in the neighborhood. All events are free and open to the public. So far this year, Alliance San Diego has successfully reached more than 100,000 voters in San Diego County through in-person and digital outreach in the 2024 General Election.
When: SATURDAY, November 2, 2024
- 10:30am to 11:30am - Voters ‘roll-out’ from Barrio Logan and City Heights
- 11:30 to 12:30 - Voter rally celebration outside Vote Centers
Where: Roll-outs will take place in Barrio Logan and City Heights (location address provided upon media RSVP)
Media opportunities in English and Spanish include live shots, interviews, and b-roll with:
- Voters rolling to Vote Centers on bikes, scooters, skates, etc.
- Voters celebrating the right to vote outside Vote Centers immediately after casting their ballots
- Itzel Maganda Chavez, first-time voter and Civic Engagement Director at Alliance San Diego
- Ted Womack, voter and Civic Engagement Manager at Alliance San Diego
- GOTV staff and volunteers