Census Day is Reminder That Being Counted Now is More Important Than Ever
SAN DIEGO, CA — Today is Census Day, the day by which every household in the country should have received an invitation to participate in the decennial census. With social distancing and stay-at-home orders across the state, Alliance San Diego staff is leading the effort to contact San Diegans in hard-to-count areas to remind them that now, more than ever, participating in the 2020 Decennial Census is vital to get the resources our communities need.
Read moreDoing Our Part To Protect Communities From Coronavirus
SAN DIEGO, CA — Alliance San Diego is doing its part to slow the spread of coronavirus in our region by shifting our staff to telecommuting and using modern technology to hold meetings. We will continue our census outreach, immigrant assistance, voter education, and policy advocacy over the phone, online, and in person in limited circumstances when needed. We invite the community to engage with us on social media through Facebook and Twitter, where we will be advancing our work.
Read moreState Senate Leader Toni Atkins Endorses the Schools & Communities First Initiative
Another key endorsement for the Schools & Communities First initiative after recent polling showed that 58% of Californians support the measure
The leader of the California State Senate — President Pro Tem Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) — announced today her support for the Schools & Communities First initiative, an historic measure that will close corporate property tax loopholes and reclaim billions of dollars to benefit all Californians:
Read moreSan Diego Among Cities To Gain The Most From Closing Corporate Property Tax Loopholes
SAN DIEGO, CA — The University of Southern California (USC) released a report showing that every county in California stands to benefit from ensuring commercial and industrial properties are assessed at fair market value, with San Diego among cities to gain the most.
Read moreSan Diegans Will Honor The Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. at The 32nd Annual All Peoples Celebration
To schedule on-site or in-studio interviews please email [email protected] or call (415) 269-3178.
SAN DIEGO, CA — The 32nd annual All Peoples Celebration, honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., will take place on Monday, January 20th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Balboa Park Activity Center. The event brings together more than 1,000 San Diegans for an inspiring program featuring civil rights activist and leading Sikh American voice, Valarie Kaur.
Read moreBecome A U.S. Citizen Now and Vote in the 2020 Elections!
SAN DIEGO, CA — Lawful permanent residents who wish to become U.S. citizens in time to vote in the November 2020 presidential election still have time if they apply for naturalization now.
Alliance San Diego, a community empowerment organization, is offering free and personalized assistance to lawful permanent residents as part of an expansion of in-office services this year, which will include general screenings, help with renewing DACA applications, FOIA requests and referrals to trusted attorneys and agencies.
Read moreCounty Registrar, Groups Educate Voters on March Primary
As a Public Service Announcement for No Party Preference voters in San Diego County, the San Diego County Registrar and local voting rights groups are asking for the media’s help to let NPP voters know that tens of thousands of them across San Diego County who vote by mail, receive a ballot WITHOUT any presidential candidate.
Read moreStanding Together in the Wake of Tragedy
SAN DIEGO, CA — In the wake of rising hate-motivated attacks across the country and in response to a specific assault on Jewish community members celebrating Hanukkah in New York this weekend, Alliance San Diego’s associate director Christopher Rice-Wilson issued the following statement:
Read moreJudge Orders Changes to Ballot Language for Convention Center Expansion Measure, Leaves Voters Vulnerable
SAN DIEGO, CA — Today, Superior Court Judge Richard Whitney ordered new language for the ballot question summarizing the tax for a convention center measure expansion in response to a lawsuit filed by voters. The voters had charged that the City of San Diego had adopted a ballot question that was not true, impartial or transparent. The voters’ attorneys successfully argued that the City was using misleading and biased information in the ballot language that would prevent voters from making informed decisions about the measure, which is set to go before voters in March.
Read moreConvention Center Ballot Language Violates California Election Laws
Click here for a video recording of the press conference
For a quotes see below
SAN DIEGO, CA — The ballot question adopted by the San Diego City Council for a measure set to go before voters in March that imposes a new tax to expand the convention center runs afoul of California election laws that require the summary to be a true, impartial and transparent synopsis of the measure, according to a lawsuit filed by voters.
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