With the Trump Administration’s vow to increase deportation and tighten up border security, many members of immigrant communities are fearful of interaction with border agents.
In most cases, folks are unfamiliar with their rights, which can oftentimes be problematic. Knowing your rights when interacting with border agents is essential, which is why we are excited to announce that the Korean American Service & Education Consortium, the Korean Resource Center and volunteers have launched a Know Your Rights mobile app This must-have resource aims to help immigrants defend and protect themselves.
The app currently supports five different languages including English, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, and Chinese and the volunteers plan to include more languages in the future.
The Know Your Rights app is now available for download for Android on Google Play and will soon be available for iPhone in the App Store.
New DACA App
If you are a DACA recipient, you should check out the DACA Scholars app too. This app helps DACA recipients and DREAMers find scholarship opportunities and provides other immigration resources.
DACA Scholars is available for both iPhones and Androids.
Need More Resources?
Check out Ready Now San Diego, a project of Alliance San Diego with the support of the San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium and other partners that focus on advocacy, education, and services in support of immigrant families.