Now, more than ever, we need to stand up for the society we want to create. We must be the change we want to see. Join us for our weekly calls to Ignite Change. Find out what decision-makers are doing, how it will affect you, and learn what you can do to advance your community. Calls will be every Wednesday in both Spanish and English
Here are the three reasons to join us for these calls:
1. Empower Yourself: Everyday decisions are made that will both directly, and indirectly affect you, your family and your friends. But do you know who is not a part of these conversations?… You. During these calls, Alliance San Diego and partners will provide you with information regarding latest political actions.
2. Engage with your Community: It is simply not enough to be informed about the issues. We must collaborate and work together to create the communities we want. These calls are the perfect opportunity to connect and unite with members of your community.
3. Mobilize for Change: Whether it’s a protest, a petition, or making calls to organize your communities, we must take action to create the change we want. Find out what you can do to ignite change in your community.
Sign Up for the Call Now!
For more information about these calls, visit the event page.