Sandra and her newborn baby Nova Vitoria (New Victory) hope to be reunited with Volcy, who was separated from them at the US-Mexico border after a sudden end to the U.S. humanitarian policy towards displaced Haitians that left Sandra and Nova Vitoria on one side of the border and Volcy on the other.
Volcy awaits his turn at the Mexicali port of entry, where he faces indefinite detention and possible deportation to Haiti, as well as a lifetime separation from his fiancé and newborn child.
Read their story and sign the petition below
On September 24th, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) abruptly halted humanitarian parole for Haitians arriving to our California border. DHS cited improved country conditions in Haiti, despite the fact that thousands of people are still displaced from the earthquake, hundreds of thousands have died from a cholera epidemic, and the country is in political turmoil with no sitting president.
The sudden change in policy has left at least 50 families separated, with some family members having been granted humanitarian parole and others caught behind in the line. This includes women and children separated from their husbands and fathers such as Sandra and her newborn baby, Nova Vitoria.
Sandra’s fiancé, Volcy, now faces indefinite detention and possible deportation to Haiti because he was not allowed to join her in line.
We are requesting that DHS allow Volcy to rejoin Sandra and Nova Vitoria, and allow other families torn apart by the sudden policy shift, to rejoin their loved ones in the United States.
Will you help to reunite Sandra’s family and other families by signing this petition?