This is the complete program of the 29th All Peoples Celebration in San Diego, CA on Monday, January 16, 2017 hosted by Alliance San Diego. The event featured keynote speaker Rev. Dr. William J. Barber of the Repairers of the Breach gave a riveting speech which left everyone on their feet and ready to stand with our communities. See his full speech here.
Over 1110 people attended the event, participating in a community art project, learning about local social justice organizations and enjoying a dynamic program that included a national poet and musical and dance performance by some of San Diego's most talented. The complete program is featured below.
Breakdown of full program times here
Lift Every Voice and Sing performed by Amber Dante and Shae Fiol
Invocation by Rev. Gil Jun: 3:33
Welcome by Alliance San DIego Board: 8:00
"Change in the feminine" by Maya Salameh: 12:08
"Conqueror" by Dr. grace shinhae jun, bkSOUL & City College dancers: 19:38
Thank you from Andrea Guerrero and Christopher Rice-Wilson: 24:38
Ashley L. Walker Social Justice Award Mohamed Ahmed: 29:38
"Freedom" by J. Pierre: 31:16
Introduction of Keynote Speaker from Doug Moore: 36:58
Keynote Speaker Rev. William J. Barber: 42:27
"Amazing Grace" by Alexis Joi Ham: 01:49:28
Closing invitation from the Honorable Toni Atkins: 01:54:40
Convocation from Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson: 02:00:37
"We Shall Overcome" led by Alexis Joi Ham: 02:05:40