What Does Redistricting Mean for You and Your Community?

Many of us completed the 2020 census. At final count, 99.9% of Californians were counted, one of the highest response rates in the state.We did our part and were counted, now what does the count mean for you and your community? 

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Letter: Voters Decide Ballot Measures, Not City Council.

Today Alliance San Diego submitted a letter to the San Diego City Council urging them to do the right thing, and protect the will of the voters by not retroactively changing the rules on the vote threshold for Measure C. 

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12 Years in Search of Justice for Anastasio Hernández Rojas

Border Patrol’s inadequate use of force policies and extreme lack of accountability have led to a culture of violence and impunity that has devastated border communities for decades. The case of Anastasio Hernández Rojas, a longtime San Diego resident who was brutally tased, beaten and killed by U.S. border agents is the story of the struggle for justice in the borderlands.

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12 años en busca de justicia para Anastasio Hernández Rojas

Las inadecuadas políticas de uso de la fuerza y la extrema falta de rendición de cuentas han llevado a una cultura de violencia e impunidad dentro de la patrulla fronteriza que ha devastado a las comunidades fronterizas durante décadas. El caso de Anastasio Hernández Rojas, un residente de San Diego que fue brutalmente atacado, golpeado y asesinado por agentes fronterizos de EE. UU. es la historia de la lucha por la justicia en la frontera.

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