SAN DIEGO, CA - The California State Senate voted today to move forward with Senate Bill 54, also known as the “California Values Act.” The bill will prevent state and local dollars, as well as law enforcement agencies, from helping immigration officials separate families and terrorize communities.
In response, Christian Ramírez, Human Rights Director of Alliance San Diego, issued the following statement:
“By passing Senate Bill 54, state senators took a courageous stand to make certain that all Californians are afforded the right to have access to public safety by ensuring that local and state law enforcement officers are not deputized by the Trump Administration. This legislation is crucial to protect hard working families in our state from the iron-fisted deportation policies promoted by the White House which seek to divide families and destroy communities. We commend Senate Pro-Tempore De León and Senator Atkins for their bold leadership in moving this bill forward, sending a strong message to hard working Californians that their state will continue to uphold the rule of law and protect all of our communities.”