At Alliance San Diego we strongly believe The City of San Diego budget should reflect our values and should prioritize equitable investments while advancing racial and social justice. We also support a budget process that is transparent with the public and consults with affected stakeholders. The People’s Budget FY 2022 does just that. This budget was developed by the Community Budget Alliance, of which Alliance San Diego is a member.
The People’s Budget FY 2022 addresses five core issue areas, and they include:
🟡Reimaging Public Safety
🟢Tenants’ Rights
🟣People’s Economy
🔴Democratizing Power
🔵Environmental Justice
Specifically for Reimaging Public Safety, Alliance San Diego supports a budget that fully funds the Independent Commission on Police Practices, creates and strengthens alternatives to police, funds community organizations to respond to emergencies and invests in our youth.
Additionally, we support a budget that expands the Office of Immigrant Affairs to support language access to all communities, ensures BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) shape strategic plans and priorities for the Office of Race & Equity, provides green jobs for youth and creates an Office of Child & Youth Success.
Watch the video recordings that break down the People’s Budget FY 2022 here.
On April 15, 2021, Mayor Todd Gloria revealed a proposed budget for FY 2022. While Mayor Gloria’s budget addresses important issues like homelessness, road repairs and other city needs, it could do more to address racial and social justice priorities. By tapping into our collective power, we can urge Mayor Gloria and local leaders to listen to diverse communities and their needs.
We invite you to attend the next City of San Diego Evening Budget Hearing on Monday, May 17, 2021 at 6 p.m.